Book: Brad Magnarella’s Demon Moon – “Something tells me I’m in over my head.”

This might sound like a tangent, however I don’t like Spider-Man; the reason I don’t like Spider-man is he has a day job which allows him to muddle along in a hand-to-mouth sort of way and then an unpaid night job which puts him through hell and jeopardises everything good in his life – including his crumby day job

demon moon

This basically sums up Everson Croft’s life, he has some powers but isn’t really that in control of the potential those powers bring, he has a day job that is constantly suffering from his underpaid night activities as a wizard and he’s rather dull


‘Demon Moon’ is a readable book, it just isn’t terribly memorable and wasn’t my idea of good fun – I’m look for escapism not a meagre mundane existence with the occasional monster


*Link to Amazon if you are so inclined*

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