Film – Kong: Skull Island – “This world never belonged to us. It belonged to them”

When I was very young I used to like the old school monster movies, however most of them look truly awful now to the point where it’s tricky to see them as anything but humorously bad

However more modern monster movies don’t tend to impress me, they show off the whole monster too early and tend to insert unneeded ‘humorous’ characters, which is why I went into ‘Kong : Skull Island’ with some trepidation – although Samuel L. Jackson’s presence was somewhat reassuring

Happily I liked this Kong, the 1970s setting provided an almost instant explanation for various characters motivations, the soundtrack was fun and there were some fantastically thought out scenes – a very early on set piece with Kong silhouetted against the sun batting helicopters out of the sky is a beautiful sequence

It’s not an original film, to a large degree it’s a homage to ‘Apocalypse Now’ thankfully without the poor water buffalo

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